שיהו דברי תורה מחודדים בפיך. שאם ישאל לך אדם דבר אל תגמגם ותאמר לו, אלא אמור לו מיד.
קידושין ל.

The button in the bottom-right transforms the text to only show the first letter of each word, the "Rashei Teivot."

  1. Read the original text a few times to get used to the text. If the Mishna feels too long (more than 1 or 2 lines), then break it up into smaller parts and memorize them one part at a time.
  2. Next click the button and practice saying the text using the "Rashei Teivot" about 2 to 5 times, or until you are comfortable saying the whole text easily.
  3. Try saying the text by heart!

On the left-hand side:
Click to enter your own custom text!
Click to print the text in a special memory-friendly format!
Click to increase, and to decrease the text size.


Please consider visiting KnowTheTorahByHeart.com. Unaffiliated. It is a great resource.

Thank you to https://tikkun.io/ for the inspiration for this project!